Friday, December 5, 2008

Today the Supreme Court decides the fate of America...

If it decides for Obama, then the high court of the land is moot, and has decided that one of the two most precious documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution they swore to uphold, no longer matter.

Then nothing...NOTHING matters anymore.

The United States and all its freedoms (although our freedoms have been hacked away by our Presidents and our Congress for decades) will fall away into anarchy, and the rise of this New World Order, which George H. W. Bush so worshipped will come to be.

Because we have apparently been seduced by empty promises, corporations, the influence of a few global families, taxed, encumbered by unconstitutional legislation, corruption within our government, the special interests, a controlled media, you will watch the final gasp of that shining experiment in personal freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, born of so much passion, courage, and the spilled blood of patriots, for lofty ideals never won before.

And those of us who loved these ideals, who speak out and hold these ideals before you to try to make you understand what we had and could have again, will be silenced. I feel like that leopard frog from an earlier post, whom I recorded, crying out plaintively while being swallowed by a snake in the swamp. I believe sincerely, our country is being devoured.

America will step back into third world status to be ruled by despots.

I dread this day.

Today, if the Justices of the Supreme Court rule in favor of Obama and do not force him to produce authentic documents, all is lost.

All of it.

I am watching the death of my country.

Remember this post. I am very, very serious, and enormously, profoundly sad.

Perhaps this is what my commenter meant.

The result is the same.


  1. Given that the only decision that the high court will make today regarding Mr. Obama relates to whether to address a petition brought to them by Mr. Leo Dolofrino, it would be entirely out of order for them to make any demands of Mr. Obama. The United States Supreme Court is hearing no case today that would allow any individual Justice or the court as a whole to force any action from Mr. Obama. If you find this to be a matter from which you derive disdain, it is evidence only of your fundamental ignorance of formal legal proceedings as they occur in the high court.

  2. Well, that's a very interesting bit of information, but you are a gamer with nothing else to share but this:

    If what you say is true, then there are a huge number of people misinformed, by talk show hosts, including Glenn Beck (just one of many) including the people who have filed suit.

  3. If what you say is true, then there are a huge number of people misinformed, by talk show hosts, including Glenn Beck (just one of many) including the people who have filed suit.

    Evidently, then, a number of individuals are misinformed. The United States Supreme Court is only convening today for a "conference", during which they will discuss whether to hear a number of petitions submitted to the court. Those petitions that the court elects to grant will then be scheduled for a formal hearing at a later date. If you have official information from the court's official docket stating that the high court will be convening for a formal hearing on a specific petition today, I will welcome that data.

  4. This inane, paranoid blather has already been refuted multiple times:

  5. This inane, paranoid blather has already been refuted multiple times:

    The specific motion to be discussed in conference today, filed by a Mr. Leo Donofrio, does not challenge Mr. Obama's location of birth. As such, no documentation of Mr. Obama's birth in Hawaii will satisfy Mr. Donofrio. Mr. Donofrio alleges that Mr. Obama is not a "natural born" United States citizen as a result of the nationality of Mr. Obama's father; essentially, Mr. Donofrio alleges that any child with one parent who is a foreign national (whether it is the father or the mother) cannot be a "natural born" United States citizen regardless of the location of the child's birth. Mr. Donofrio's argument is supported by no Constitutional provision, federal statute or court precedent of which I am aware, in spite of repeated inquiries to those who have accepted and repeated Mr. Donofrio's argument.
