Friday, November 21, 2008

Joseph Farah on "The Obama example"

between the lines Joseph Farah

The Obama example

Posted: November 19, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

Next time you move to another state and need a new driver's license, try this: Refuse to produce the birth certificate or any other personal information required by the department of motor vehicles. Just explain that a facsimile of the required document is posted on your website and give the clerk the domain name.

Tell them: "I'm following the example of President-elect Barack Obama. If he didn't need to produce a birth certificate to establish his eligibility to be president of the United States, why would you require me to produce one to get a lousy driver's license?"

See if it flies.

Your new employer requests a Social Security number

he can provide the Internal Revenue Service so the federal government can be sure to grab its share of your money before you ever get a chance to touch it or see it, let alone spend it. Just explain that it would be an invasion of your privacy to give it to the company for identification purposes because your Social Security number was never intended for that purpose by act of Congress.

Tell them: "I'm following the example of President-elect Barack Obama. If he didn't need to produce a birth certificate to establish his eligibility to be president of the United States, surely you cannot require me to produce a Social Security card to be employed."

See if you get that job.

(Column continues below)

Better yet, all you illegal aliens out there, apply for any high-security government job. When the agency asks you to prove your citizenship

, take the Obama position.

Tell them: "I'm following the example of President-elect Barack Obama. If he didn't need to produce a birth certificate to any controlling legal authority to establish his eligibility to assume the highest office in the land, how dare you ask me to prove my eligibility for this lousy job?"

I don't see how it can fail. Do you?

These are some of the thoughts going through my mind as I sit in bemusement at the prospect of the swearing in and inauguration of the next president two months from now – when a president-elect (assuming the Electoral College gives him the same kind of free pass election authorities and my colleagues in the "watchdog press" have given him to date) takes over the leadership of the executive branch of government.

There's just two months left before we witness one of the gravest attacks ever on the literal meaning of the U.S. Constitution.

Isn't it fitting that a so-called "constitutional scholar" – a former law professor – will be the one to deliver this fateful blow?

At that point, those who subscribe to the theory that we have a "living Constitution," one that means different things to different people at different times in history, will have experienced their crowning achievement – the induction of a president whose very eligibility for the office is questioned by millions of Americans who are told they don't have any standing in courts to demand actual proof.

There are only three plausible explanations, I have been able to come up with, as to why Barack Obama steadfastly refuses to produce the portion of his alleged Hawaiian birth certificate that actually shows where he was born and when:

  • He doesn't want to do so because he deliberately seeks to undermine the specific constitutional requirement.

  • He has something else to hide that would be revealed by making this document public – perhaps.

  • He can't because it would show conclusively he was not born in a Hawaiian hospital.

Can anyone think of another reason?

I've put that challenge out there for millions of readers and not one has provided another possibility.

Yet, here we are – and here we go.

Personally, I think Barack Obama can establish his eligibility to be president. At the end of the day, I think we'll learn the truth. But, in the meantime, the man likely to become the next president is sure providing a lousy example of openness, leadership and citizenship for the rest of us.

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