Friday, November 14, 2008

Bretton Woods returns - from Liberty Maven

Bretton Woods Comeback Puts U.S. Sovereignty At Risk

November 14th, 2008 1:21 am | by Marc Gallagher | Published in Activism, Big Government, Economics, Foreign Policy, Free Market, History, Maven Commentary, Politics, Ron Paul | Comment

Pat Buchanan argues against the talk of Bretton Woods making a comeback in his latest commentary posted on The American Conservative blog. After going through the history of the 1944 Bretton Woods meeting, he has a few choice words about the potential for Bretton Woods II, which he believes will be a attack on U.S. Sovereignty. He argues that the American people will never let it happen.

Globalists see in this worst of world financial crises since the 1930s what New Dealers saw in the Depression: an opportunity to geometrically augment government power and impose their visions upon mankind.

Barack Obama’s chief of staff appears to entertain such thoughts. Said Rahm Emanuel Sunday, “The crisis we have today is an opportunity to finally deal with what Washington, for years, has kicked down the road.”

Brown and Sarkozy may believe a new era of multilateralism is upon us, in which they will play great roles, as the bad old Bush era of American unilateralism ends. But should Obama begin to cede U.S. sovereignty, he will find himself in the same firestorm that engulfed George W. Bush and John McCain when they sought amnesty for 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens.

I agree with Buchanan on this point. Ron Paul has warned of such things for a very long time as most of America feigns blindness to it. When the reality of it hits through one of these global gatherings the people will be blind no more. They will be pissed off and ready to let our new President and his administration know about it.

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