Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Interesting newsletter from Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired

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The Left Will Soon Be Left
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I have predicted for months that Obama will not be elected to the Presidency. I did not know the why with scientific precision, but had a good feel for it. First, despite spending about 600 million dollars, easily the most money any person has spent in pursuit of the office, and hundreds of millions of favorable media promotion that incidentally qualifies as donations in kind by any reasonable standard, Obama is barely ahead in the polls, in my opinion probably not at all and speaks volumes of un-polled information.
Second, if anyone besides me is watching, listening and reading, it is evident that the Obama campaign has shifted into the "band wagon" mode. Such things as "meeting with his transition team," "the lead in the polls," "U.N. praying that he will be elected," media coverage of a "world waiting with bated breath," and etc. etc. Obama would not need the propaganda effort if this were going to be the slam-dunk that the left is predicting. The truth is, they are scared that despite all of their effort, money and lying, the election is slipping through their fingers and they are powerless to do anything about it.
Third, it occurs to me that the massive throngs that show up for his stage shows are the only ones who will be voting for Obama, and whereas the throngs appear impressive, those who turn out to vote for McCain will crush Obama and his lemmings.
Fourth, Mr. Obama's intransigence in providing valid information about his place of birth is growing by the moment, and so is public interest. One has to hope that all U.S. citizens want to have someone who is basically qualified; and from increasing evidence, he appears to not have been born in the U.S. or in a U.S. possession. Of course, typical of the radical left, there is no interest in whether or not Obama meets the Constitutional standard, or abiding by it. What the hell? It is now evident that Obama would like to see the Constitution scrapped judging from his attitude and comments.
Fifth, Mr. Obama's "spread the wealth around" may have a certain appeal to those who have never worked for it, but want it anyway. In the recent release of a 2001 radio interview in which Obama bemoans the Founding Fathers restrictions on the Federal Government and the Civil Rights Movement's failure to use the Courts for redistribution of wealth, his recent remarks to "Joe the Plumber" are validated.
Aside from the fact that Obama has no substantive accomplishments with the exception of his soaring rhetoric, he is an empty suit and those who would vote for him sadly lack the wisdom to see the sham for what it is.
Without question, there is much that needs to be fixed in this country, but it does not take socializing, as Maxine Waters would have the nation do, or communizing the country ("spreading the wealth around" as Obama would do) to do that. The financial system can be fixed with some hardnosed leadership and guts to do it. It doesn't take "completely changing" the system, as Obama suggests unless of course your intent is to "spread the wealth around."
It is amazing that the Republicans allow the Democrats to lay the blame for current financial problems at their feet, and with barely a whimper; and the Candidate who should be pointing at the Democrats for bringing the crisis to into being, while presenting a solid plan to fix it, should do more.
Much has been made Obama's associates of twenty years by some in the media, although not the so called "mainstream" media, and is most appropriately described by the phrase, "birds of a feather flock together." Obama's efforts to sidestep those associations, or marginalize them in the interest of attempting to paint himself as a centrist, are disingenuous, continuous and given the media interference reasonably effective. But the truth is, he has associated with leftist radicals most of his adult life, from his church to civic boards, to political action through "community organizing," to "spreading the wealth around," and for anyone with more than a grain of intellectual curiosity and desire to remain free, those should be seen as a "red flag."
John McCain can be counted on the do as he says, and say what he will do without equivocation, he has proven with a lifetime record that his motto of "Country First" has real meaning. Would he bring about change? Yes, change we can live with, and afford.
There is a cute cartoon of Obama being congratulated for raising 600 million for his campaign, to which Obama smugly suggests that the congratulations are indeed warranted. Then the suggestion is made that Obama should "spread" some of his money to the McCain Campaign since they have a legitimate need for some of it. Obama's reaction is one of complete wonder, stupification and rebellion that anyone would suggest such a thing since he had to work so hard for it. So much for "spreading the wealth around."
"John McCain is a giant of a man, a man of integrity, a man of valor, and a man of experience; a man who endured the unendurable, was tried in the crucible and emerged an authentic American patriot and hero. He may not be an eloquent speaker, he may not have the most charismatic personality, and, although John McCain has manifest his human failures along the way, I will support him, I will work for him, I will vote for him and I will salute him in victory!"
Semper Fidelis
If you wish to send a comment or ask a question of Bob Pappas please use: pappas@gulf1.com

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If you wish to read PREVIOUS ARTICLES by Col Pappas, please see: http://www.gulf1.com/columns/pappas/pappasframe.htm


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