Saturday, September 6, 2008

Waiting for Ike

Just came in from my walk and a visit to the creek. The Spanish moss is barely moving in the slight, cool breeze. Away from the water, it is warm and humid, and I am hot and sticky.

Somewhere south, though cloud anvils are rising to the direct west, is a hurricane named Ike.
This year, despite the cutting of dangerous trees, I am very worried. I fear these storms. The what if's frighten me. I want to dig in, hole up. But I live in a mobile home, and they are fragile in high wind and tornadoes. Two live oaks rise just a few steps from the back door, 50 or 60 feet tall.
The base of the kitchen oak is of huge circumference, and the trunk is split - one limb going north, the other west, right over the bedroom.

I think perhaps I should spend tomorrow planning evacuation and loading up the van. The cats in one crate, perhaps the two youngest dogs in a crate by themselves. Logistics. Photographs, treasures, documents, dog and cat food, water. I love my van. I'll bring a sleeping bag. Head for Alabama. Maybe. I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Hope this message finds you safe and hunkered down with everything you cherish. *hugs* So far just rain here.
