Friday, September 26, 2008

Thought I was kidding about US troops patrolling us?

Burnie Thompson, local Panama City, FL talk show host, ate crow today. He didn't believe a comment I had made months before. Another brought the same issue up, and this time, the article appeared in "Army Times". This confirms my fears that hardened combat men and women are coming home to patrol US! These are people with many tours under their belts; under wartime condition. They will be hired and let loose on our streets. Should we be fearful?

I think so.

But remember, we can police ourselves. And if times get brutal and bloody, we cannot expect help from such as these. They bring with them all the images and flashbacks and damaged minds and souls of war. These were the ones trained in patrol and "peacekeeping".

Instead of being let loose on the streets surveilling and engaging us, they should be sent to hospitals so they can mend their mental injuries.

Thompson said on the air he thought the prior comments were conspiratorial, but not now. It's got him concerned. Wait until he reads about the US concentration camps that are staffed now, and the coffin makers with their stockpiles in Georgia and other places. Don't believe what I tell you here. Look it up yourself. Youtube (owned by Google), is beginning to censor some of these videos. You can find them other places.

Here's the article.


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