Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ron Paul on the current financial crisis

If you have the jitters about the stability of your bank, your retirement funds, 401Ks, your stock portfolio, you have good reason.

Ron Paul again offers sound economic policy, if only the rest of "them" would take it to heart and decide our best interests are what will propel the US into economic and financial security. Included in this entry from Liberty Maven, are videos.

Washington Mutual (WAMU) is on shaky ground and is expected to slide into the pit soon.

Here are a list of bank failures. Is yours there?

Next time you get paid or visit your bank, take enough out to buy one gold coin. A Krugerand if you can afford it, a silver bar (they aren't expensive), a vial of silver dimes or quarters. Hold it in your hand. Here in your hand, is wealth. Look at one of our dollar bills. What is that, anyway?
A piece of paper. Funny money. Faith based? Faith in what? The money machine switch is turned on at the Federal Reserve as needed. Bail out a trillion-dollar failing bank and brokerage - no problemo. Fixed. Your money is devalued. Worth less. It is FIAT MONEY.

My friend, a coin dealer whom I've known for years did just that for me several months ago.
He held up a tube of Krugerands and let me hold it. "Here. With this, in WWII, if you were in Italy, you could take one of these coins and get to freedom; get on a train, take it to Switzerland.
This will allow you to start over in any country in the world." With every financial crisis, with every bail out, with every collapse, our economy grows weaker. With every one dollar you deposit in the bank, they can loan out nine. They have loaned and loaned, and if you look around, are you seeing banks sprouting up like crocuses in spring? And they don't seem to have apparent business. How are they staying in business? They are the children of other banks, loaning out nine dollars for every one.

Glenn Beck
's on the radio. He just said, "The value of the dollars is just...worthless."

Maybe you'd better listen or view the transcript of his program today. He's getting really deep, discussing US T-bills/bonds going into default. People are running to gold.

If your finances are a mystery, get smart. Don't trust so much you lose it all. Protect yourself. Your bank could fail overnight. It happened in 1929. I remember images from old newsreels of men with wheelbarrows full of paper money. It was WORTHLESS.


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