Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ever call someone a Neanderthal?

I have. Actually, it may have been a compliment.

Here is an excellent article on the Neanderthals from the latest National Geographic newsletter. It's 10 pages long, but if you are interested in paleoanthropology, fossils, evolution, and this group of remarkable people, for indeed, they are, then it is a must read; a fascinating read.

I have a collection of Native American tools and points. Some are very crude, but resemble some of the photos you'll see here. But when I needed a flensing tool to clean some greasy tissue from a road-killed otter several years ago, this, not any of my modern tools, was the tool that did it most efficiently, and it fit my hand like it was custom made for me.

Amazing. I've always been impressed by that.

Anyway - learning something each day is a good thing, and I hope you enjoy this visit a Gibraltar cave, thanks to Stephen S. Hall.

1 comment:

  1. That is kind of cool. I just looked at the pictures, but still.
