Tuesday, September 2, 2008

AP Photographer assaulted and arrested by our Star War thugs...

violently. A photojournalist taking photographs of demonstrations at the RNC in Minneapolis. This is outrageous. I put this on Digg, and my comment was something like, when are we going to get tired of this assault on our people exercising their rights, and stop running away - but instead, start walking toward them. No one wants to get beaten up, tasered, gassed, physically injured, or even killed by the thugs in black body armor. Arrest is the least of it.

The colonists wouldn't have stood for this. They didn't. And what came from their protests?

You know.

An infant democratic republic called the United States of America, where the people were free.

We aren't free. The government controls us.

Until we have a different mindset, it will only get worse. Please watch both videos - of a woman being arrested by trying to photograph the beating, and the attack itself.

Maybe this video and the article accompanying it will motivate you to start questioning authority. http://www.prisonplanet.com/cops-arrest-ap-photographer-broadcaster-at-start-of-rnc.html


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