Saturday, August 2, 2008

Who said everything "electronic" has to be black...

Black tvs, black audio equipment, black remote controls, black wall warts, flashlights,portable telephones. My cell phone is gray. I'm so happy...not.

Two days ago I misplaced a phone. Since then, I'd been looking for it off and on. Couldn't find it.
This morning I spent over an hour looking for it with a black flashlight. Remember this. Black Flashlight. I tried hunting for it with the beeping locator. Nothing. I'm sure it had run out of battery. While doing that, I misplaced the black flashlight. At least another half hour was spent looking for that while I turned the air blue around me with favorite words sure to offend everyone. I was HOT.

Finally, the phone in its cradle, the flashlight in its place, I'm thinking What Crazed Someone makes flashlights black? If you need it in the dark, unless it's attached to a piercing somewhere on your body, how will you find it? Fumble around, stumble around when the earthquake is making gel of solid ground, or when the tornado has ripped your roof off in the dark of night and you really need it?

Who's going to read this and provide flashlights or television remotes, emergency radios, etc. with OEM luminescent paint to glow in the dark? Or with a feature that beeps when it is more than x amount of feet from the item that charges or belongs to it after 15 minutes?

Remember who lit the spark. I'll be waiting for the check.

By the way, that's the end of my rant for the day.


  1. You make a very good point against black anything that would need to be found quickly. What about putting on or wrapping the device with white or other colored duct tape? Or repainting them?

  2. That's a good idea. Luminescent paint is available, I believe. I was thinking ready made glow-in-the-dark sleeves but there are so many items it would be impossible.
