Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Genetic engineering...

I can truly say, I am against this subject. I think it's against the natural order of things. Even if things are done to "benefit" man, who can say where it will lead. In this brave and strange new world, as if the one we have to deal with on a daily basis isn't strange enough, comes this.

The website is something I haven't seen before, and thanks to the venomlist, which is a one that encompasses all venoms with scientists attending all over the world, and layfolk, like me, I have found something really interest. But here's the link to the genetic engineering of goats and spiders, and it's a portent of things to come. I'd really love to hear your thoughts on this, my two or three readers. It disturbs me greatly.


  1. I think it's kind of interesting. Perhaps they can make something other than bullet-proof vests though.

  2. I think it's a really cool idea. I've always supported genetic engineering and I think it should be used more often.
