Thursday, August 14, 2008

Attack of the Rat-Brained Robots

Coming to your theater soon? Sorry. Read on! They're here!

Then tell me what you think.

I used to have rats as pets. They were rescued from research labs. They are smart, clean, gentle creatures, and they lived out their rat lives happily.

I am very much opposed to animals used in research. To cause emotional or physical pain to a any animal, especially if it is restrained and caged is no better than torturing a helpless child. Computer modeling could and should be used instead because the technology is there. It is a heinous practice; brutal and immoral.

We, the human race, are treading where we have no right to tread with these fun little robots.

We must always be careful of what we wish for.

1 comment:

  1. That IS pretty cool. Technology is definitely there, and should be used instead of living rats/mice/whatever.
