Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rep. Dennis Kucinich

As you read this entry, there is a counter to your left - counting off the money the war in Iraq is costing us. Unfortunately, it doesn't count the lost lives of our sons and daughters, sent to an illegally declared war which we will find was all about oil, when the Oilman-in-Chief is finally out of office.

Then I want you to click on this link or the one below and listen to Dennis Kucinich, Representative from Ohio. He campaigned for President this year, in case you need to refresh your memory. I laughed at him. He did poorly, as did Ron Paul in the debates, because the press and the Republicrats wanted it that way.

I have no problem admitting my mistakes. I will be the first one to do so.

So watch the video if you don't have time to read the accompanying article and I think you will see him in another light.

Kucinich presented Articles of Impeachment to Congress last Tuesday because of the illegal way the war in Iraq was foisted on us and for other reasons (including the economy) as well.

But there are other reasons, and if you read about what Bush has done to us and our country with Executive Orders, you will be outraged. They are all on the internet.

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