Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm getting travel itchy...

Indonesia, India, the Seychelles, Malta are all out this year. (Hear me sigh?). So is my trip up Mt. Whitney. I did so want to climb it when I was younger. I won't be in Mexico to scout out Merida or Tulum. Costa Rica or Belize, and get down and dirty in the jungle. I'm under house arrest in a fast becoming third world America.

Sue and Jimmy want me in Missouri (I went to high school with her and she's a real self-sufficient farmer's wife). I want to learn to drive a tractor and he said he'd teach me but now it's too late in the season. (He wanted free labor to seed his crops, that rascal.)

I'd like to visit Bobby, whom I've not seen since the late '60s. She's up in Washington. I want to visit Montana again, but those endless miles of travel through the state will be hard on the purse, because of the gas prices. So whatever it is, it'll be close to home. (Damn it.) Maybe I'll go and visit a butterfly house. There's one in Georgia and one in Alabama. Or visit cousins I haven't seen for years in Virginia Beach or North Carolina. I feel guilty even filling up my gas tank. I've never been to New Orleans. I'd sure like to visit with some folks who haven't been able to rebuild yet and turn it into a documentary.

I did, however, come across this website and its links - and if you're in the mood for traveling, this might just point you in the right directions.

Climbing Whitney, gazing at it from the valley below in Bishop, CA is still on my 50 things to do before I die list. It's a beautiful mountain. Today I found vicarious pleasure in the 50 ttdbid of others. You can find them here, and maybe add your own, And by the way, writers and photographers, there's room for your articles and your images.

Wherever your wanderlust takes you, let me know and I'll post your comments here.

(The picture above was taken in Ohio. Went to see the caves in Hocking Hills. Beautiful country. It rained heavily every single day and night except for a break on one day only when it stopped for about three hours. No caves/no pictures because I had drowned one digital camera and wasn't going to take a chance. But even that was fun, albeit, solo.)

Looks like rain's coming. Time to walk the dogs. Jack is housebreaking nicely. It was nice talking to you today.

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