Monday, July 21, 2008

Help thy neighbor...

From the Energy Bulletin comes this article on helping your neighbor through hard weather. No surprise, it comes from a Vermonter. Whenever I see an article on Vermont, I read it. I have family there, and if I had my druthers...well, despite the cold winter, I would move there.

Maybe it's the overwhelming number of small towns strung together like beads on a jumble of long cord, but there's a strong sense of community in Vermont. I really love it there.
The picture above is of the state capital buildling (no surprise). It's on State Street.

A mile or so up the road to the left of this photo was where one of my cousins lived. On one or two of the many trips to her house by train or Greyhound from New York City during my high school years, my cousin Jim and I would take his dog Schatzie, and empty coffee cans and hunt nightcrawlers up by the shrubs near the steps, spotting them lying near their holes with flashlights.

Man, were they big! Muscular and fleshy, they didn't want to be pulled from their holes and we'd have to hang on to their slippery bodies and pull them out.

We gave them to his father, Walt, who never seemed to produce any fish. But it was fun.

Can you imagine what would happen today if you showed up in the dark with flashlights and empty coffee cans in hand on the lawn to look for worms, now? Homeland Security, FEMA,
the FBI, the State Police would probably shoot you.

1 comment:

  1. Never been much of a hunter for worms or anything else, but that does sound like it was fun for you two. *smile*
