Saturday, July 19, 2008

Don't speak ill of your bank...

especially not in could get into some serious trouble...(what about freedom of speech?)

Think about it. Today, right now...wouldn't you feel safer if all your savings were under your personal control and not your bank's? The Federal Reserve, that private bank conceived in secret so many years ago, that is not "federal" at all, but just a private bank fed by your taxes, supposedly will insure your deposits to $100K. But what happens, since it is not a government holding, if it fails and your bank doesn't have the funds to give you? Incidental to this, did you know that for every dollar you deposit in your bank, that bank can loan out nine times? What about defaults on loans in today's wobbly financial state?

We watched IndieMac's depositors banging on the glass doors. Wachovia is failing. Fannie and your money secure?

We are walking through our daily lives in a field of landmines.

Be frugal, be aware, and put your fiat dollars in something that has intrinsic value, like precious metals and control your fate, until you are more confident that the financial crisis is over.
Double click on the Kitco chart in the sidebar, and do some research on bullion coins and bars.
It may not be for you if you rely on the full faith and credit of the US government to take care of you and your money.

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