Tuesday, June 24, 2008


You all know we can't scream "Fire" in a theater, or have George Carlin's seven dirty words spoken on the media until after 10 at night. Believe me, this is a whole lot worse that the word Fuck, which is a perfectly legitimate Anglo-Saxon word, used in general conversation.

But did you ever think a radio talk show host would solicit the murder of another (Mark Dice, founder of "The Resistance") on the air and not be arrested, tried and sentenced? So he apologized to the target of his hatred by phone. Big deal.

What you'll hear should shock you into calling the station or getting on talk shows yourself and questioning why Michael Reagan is being protected. Is it because he's a dead President's son? IF you and I were plotting like this in a coffee shop and were overheard, we would have the police take us away in handcuffs, arrested, tried and sentenced.

He said it. Like the genie in the bottle, the words can never be erased or put back in the bottle.

There are a lot of unstable people all over the world who might want to gain a little glory from committing a deed like this, especially since Reagan will supply the bullets. Incredible. Listen, please.

Don't get me wrong. I want our military home. I don't want any more lives lost or a war funded that is helping to bring us to our knees. But I do believe our soldiers were wrongly sent on a mission that was a United States set up. I would rather be wrong, but evidence is strong against it. Apparently, Senator Karen Johnson feels the same way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lgEpaLVjgo&feature=related


1 comment:

  1. OH! MY! GOD! blatantly calling for the murder of unarmed citizens who send letters and videos is ridiculous.
