Friday, June 6, 2008

My sidebar...

If you scroll down on my sidebar, you'll find a new icon. It's for Release and Restitution, an organization which rescues laboratory chimpanzees. All you ever need to know about research labs and the horrors that fulminate there is there on the website. For years I have thought this to be a heinous practice. Vivisection and the use of any animals in laboratories as test specimens is not necessary or humane. It is an abysmally cruel practice, and certainly, with computer models available, a really dead issue.

What came to me in my email today was appalling. There are 17 elderly apes in several; laboratories the oldest is 54, a frail old lady. R and R has a sanctuary for these animals. What possibly can science gain from these old folks who, I believe, are our closest living relatives. How about some peace in their old age. How about...some humanity; some human compassion?

If you're interested in signing a petition for their release and removal to a safe haven so they can live out their days in peace and comfort, please click on that link.

A new friend who does beautiful studies of primates is Adam Morely, a young man from the UK.
I just found his beautiful work today. Check his images out here:

Adam signed the petition today. Thank you, Adam.

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