Friday, June 20, 2008

More Sturm and Drang about food...

I have NO idea how many people read this blog of mine. If I come across as an alarmist, then, so be it. Better to prepare for the unknown, but I think we all know in the back of our minds, that something "ain't right" in our country. Denial is comfortable and easy. No one wants to believe that we could suddenly go third world (though it is happening every day).

I got an email from someone very close to me. She and her husband run a very successful plumbing business. The part-timers are gone; they will be taking a couple of trucks off the road. Two men were sent home for lack of business.

I can't afford full tanks of gas. A couple of weeks ago it cost $65 to fill up the tank in my van.
Trips to town, 17 miles away, are put off until I just can't any longer.

From a link on Carolyn Baker's blog, came this story. It's about food, weather, shortages. You need to read this. If this is the only thing you read today, please take the time.

My friends who farm in Missouri had flooded corn. They are serious farmers.

The price of fuel effects the price of food; how it is planted, how it is harvested, how it is processed, packaged and brought to you. Weather affects the price of food. Cattle are being sold because they are too expensive to feed, which means there will be no calf crop; the same with other livestock.

So, to make your day better, or worse (a matter of perspective), please go here and read this article and get prepared for some rough times ahead.

1 comment:

  1. "I have NO idea how many people read this blog of mine."

    If it means anything, I read whatever you write/post.

    Without panicking, I am aware that "things" are NOT so good in the Good Ol' USA, and haven't been for a while. I don't know if all the emails I've sent to our so-called 'representatives' have done any good or if they're just auto-deleted, but I've tried, for what it's worth.
