Sunday, June 15, 2008

Microchipping Pets - Have we been fed Pie-in-the-Sky?

A microchipped pet finds its way home again. What a wonderful invention.

Maybe not so wonderful. The internet is loaded with pros and cons from the chip makers, BUT the con is always CANCER. The maligancy grows around the chip, encapsulating it or growing adjacent to the implant.

Would you take the chance of microchipping your child if you knew it would cause a rapidly spreading cancer in a short time?

Although there is far more information than I give you here, it is up to you. The site above has a 60 page report on the growth of cancer in rats, mice and dogs. Please read it, including the notes and commentary.

I have a lot of questions for my vet, and for AVID and the FDA tomorrow. Like any drug company, the makers of chips for potential human use are a powerful lobby. Is it a question of money, I wonder? Who would subject their dog or child or elderly Alzheimer patient to this?
I think surgical removal may be an option.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I've heard about the chips causing cancer and I won't allow my pets or children, or myself for that matter, to be chipped.
