Monday, June 30, 2008

Illegal drugs and the so-called war on them...

is filling up the coffers on both sides. Wait till you read this article. Makes sense. Those growing "illegal" drugs are making billions, financing wars and contributing to our economy as well. Prisons, lawyers, illicit drug dealers, law enforcement, and governments are big businesses, you know.

I am for the legalization of drugs. I am also in favor of medical marijuana and the growing of industrial hemp (which won't make you high in the field).

My Dad, a straight arrow, drank alcohol in the speakeasies during Prohibition. He also smoked marijuana, and he dated wild, flapper girls the same time (and on the same nights) he was dating my mother.

When they got married, he gave up his wild ways. There was one bottle of medicinal rye in the corner of the topmost shelf of the cabinet over the refrigerator. It came out when he broke his foot, and when Mom made him hot toddies when he had pneumonia. I don't think it was ever finished or replenished.

He smoked a pipe and an occasional cigar. He was a good kid from a large Italian family, who had an exemplary work ethic, a mild and kind manner. I couldn't have wished for a better father.

No one can win this war. Read why, here:

What matters is that you bend the tree in the way it will grow when it comes to family and how you teach the kids.

My son hated the smell of cigarettes. He never smoked, married a non-smoker. I exposed him to smoke. Now I know the dangers of that. I feel guilty about it still, even though I gave up smoking decades ago.

The following site is supposedly the best regarding industrial hemp.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that drugs (especially medical MJ) should be legalized and then possibly taxed (although I'm generally against most taxes).
