Friday, June 27, 2008

How weird are posts lost in cyberspace to a perfect stranger...

I wonder if the staff at Blogspot reads each post? Well if you're listening, why, if I used another's laptop computer yesterday and sat here for an hour with a impassioned plea (re Naomi Wolf's recent book - A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot) and a funny incident with me almost swallowing a spider, that had drowned a few seconds before in my glass of water - did it find its way into a strange blog when I saved it?

Naomi Wolf gave a talk to a class about freedom and liberty and how those two states of being, and our rights from God as free men in a free country have been compromised. The video is here if you scroll down far enough. It impacted me profoundly. My cousin Tom, an Air Force captain, conservative Republican, his heart and soul stamped with "USA", tagged her a liberal, and I believe is full of scorn for her. BUT, what she will bring to your attention most of all, is how we came to the shining shores of freedom, how we got to be free, how we have left the responsibility to be engaged in ensuring these rights and freedoms are not infringed in any way. These two states of being - being personally free and having personal liberty - is infringed every time a law is passed or a president decides to bypass Constitutional law and make a decision on a pen stroke, and in recent history, start a war on foreign shores based on lies and fraudulent information, frenzy-fed to us by bombarding media, and economically, bringing us to our knees, and killing innocent people, including our soldiers.

Do I believe the war in Iraq is a cruel boondoggle? Yes I do. You know that already.

Do I believe we have taken "freedom and liberty" for granted? Obviously.

We have given these precious, simple states over to elected officials for safekeeping because we thought they would do the work. They have been bought by the rich and powerful and so sold us out. We have been serenaded by media to believe we still have them when we don't. There really are people in power over our government - they are the global elite, bound to destroy America as we want to know it.

We are many generations away from the wars on our soil that set us free. We think we know what it feels like not to be subjects - but we are; we have become unwitting sheep to the masters with strange names like "The Bilderbergers" and alphabet soup entities like WTO and CFR who pull the strings of our politicians and our media. Freedom feels better than swimming naked in a mountain stream, safe and unfettered. Ever do that?

We need to take the responsibility back for returning the country to it's original glory - full of self-reliant, courageous people who believe something's not right, and who are dedicated to take the reins.

Like the spider I nearly swallowed yesterday, had I not been vigilant and curious about what I saw just before the fluid passed my lips, we need to be every watchful, because our nation deserves our full attention.

No matter what flavor of American politics you are, you deserve to read Naomi's book because it will set up red flags where you didn't see them before. You can get inexpensive copies from Amazon, used. Circulate it. Make your children read it and discuss it over dinner.

I am very impressed.


  1. I totally agree with you about the state of our nation. Do you have an URL for the video? I didn't see it in this article.

  2. I found parts one and two on youtube. It's definitely getting scary :-(
