Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Blade progress report - Dr. Lowe was right...

The tumor is starting to wrap around to the front of his leg, just at the joint, and now is preventing full motion when he walks or trots. No more streaking around the yard, although he has chased a couple of squirrels, and Vern and Dottie (the cats) a couple of time this week. Today he was lying against the front door and couldn't get up. His bad leg was the one he needed to get up on, and he couldn't. After several attempts, he rolled over to the other side to where he could rise on the other rear leg. He hasn't wanted to go out today. It's very hot outside. It's ok with me.

When I saw that, I knew that it's probably time to say goodbye. I sauteed him chicken liver in butter, flavored with garlic and cajun seasoning. Very tasty to me, and obviously to Blade, too.
I sat in the bedroom with him with the air conditioning on, and fed him one by one.

He needs a bath; this year for the first time, his coat is coarse. This area has had a terrible time with fleas - nothing works - Advantage or Frontline. Both have lost their efficacy. Adams spray still works, but just for a little while. It does knock the fleas down immediately, though. Thank goodness I got rid of the carpets. I stopped feeding the squirrels and dust outside with Sevin where he lays. But it rained a couple of times, and now they're back in full force.

I'm not going to bathe him. I can't take the chance of fracturing that bony tumor. If I put him in the bathtub with nice warm water, and he slips, he'll break his leg in that spot. The cancer thins the bone.

The arrangements have been made with his vet, and we will say goodbye on Wednesday. I will bring chicken livers and feed him, if he wants them, so the last thing he'll know before he shuts his eyes for the last time, is that he was eating something yummy before he got so sleepy...

My beautiful, goofy boy. There's so much life left in him. Damn that tumor!

He'll be cremated and the ashes returned. I have a little jar in my dresser where the ashes of my dearly departed - the dogs and cats I've had cremated reside. I'm taking them with me when I go.

1 comment:

  1. You have the deepest condolences there are, from me. *HUGS*
