Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May is here...

This birthday (oh, goody! Now that I'll be 65, I get a free fishing license!), I have to start paying Medicare (nearly $100 out of my SS pittance), my son's and daughter-in-law's anniversary, my grandson's birthday (he's 2!), my daughter-in-law'd birthday and Mother's Day.

Gas is up to at least $3.59.9, food went up about $20 each time I go into town to the Grocery Outlet (affectionately called the "Groc Out" because where else can you find pig brains in a can), but every other day I am out in the wild blueberries, and leaving some for the birds. I will make jam this year.

The beautiful day just outside my window is calling me to the creek. The scent of jasmine is heavy in the still air this morning, and I have hummingbirds coming to the feeder by the bedroom window. They are little ruby throats, and they are having a grand time deciding whether to sip from the jasmine that is tumbling from the porch, the old-fashioned buddleia, which is purple, or the feeder that sits on the pvc pipe I stuck in the ground.

Hummingbird nectar is 1/4 cup of sugar to 2 cups of boiling water. Mix until dissolved and cool.
Clean the feeder daily and refill. Meanwhile, the Four and Twenty Club comes regularly to the feeders in the backyard, and so do the squirrels. A pair has brought their three children to the oak in front of the kitchen window. The others stay further away.

There are chickadees, thrashers, kingbirds, bluejays, cardinals and a few titmice who are regulars. I love to watch the parents feed the babies.

Keep the cats in, it's baby bird season!

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