Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My son loves his dirt bike...

Bought a new one recently - the first he's had since high school. He's nearly 38, married, two wonderful children and the best, patient wife any man could have.

Here he is jumping his bike, and here's the x-ray of the fracture to his femur from last weekend. He bought it recently and was wearing a neck brace which broke in the crash. And from what I understand, he took one of those wooden structures out or something similar made of 4x4s. I am very happy that he didn't break his neck, become a para- or quadriplegic or wake up to his late grandparents playing harps.

4/22/08 This just in. He just came from the doctor. He broke the femur in FIVE places, not three and is in complete denial that it was serious.

I wonder about men closing in on middle age and extreme sports. Guys...you have nothing to prove!

Now, I don't know how many people read my blog, but I'd like to take an informal poll. He says that he wants to ride again and his reasoning is that when you have an auto accident, you have to get in and drive.

What do you think? Leave a comment and I'll forward them to him.


1 comment:

  1. "He says that he wants to ride again and his reasoning is that when you have an auto accident, you have to get in and drive.

    What do you think? Leave a comment and I'll forward them to him."

    I have never had a serious injury like his, so I'm not sure. BUT, I've heard that it's common to want to get back on. Maybe it's to prove you can't be THAT stupid again. *smile*
