Sunday, April 20, 2008

Fortuneless fortune cookie...

Went to dinner last night and broke open my fortune cookie to find NO FORTUNE.

What does that mean?

Will I have misfortune?

Will I remain static - nothing happening either way; moving neither up, down or side-to-side? An endless, gray existence?

Will I get eaten by an alligator with an appetite for Mediterranean ancestral flesh and a penchant for yellow kayaks?

It's never happened before. The wrapper said it came from China. I need to make a trip; to go to the factory; find the person who forgot to put my fortune in the cookie.

I am very depressed.

Good bye... in case there isn't a next time - because - I have no fortune.

(Or maybe I'd better go and get a lottery ticket.)

1 comment:

  1. Don't be depressed... it's just a cookie. Did you know that those cookies were invented IN the U.S., not china? *grin* On the other hand, maybe no fortune is a good fortune because at least nothing bad is planned? Just a thought.
