Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who saw the video with the Marines tossing a puppy to its death? removed it for a day. There's a serious problem here that is not being covered by
the media. These soldiers, who laugh as they kill animals (criminals often do this - for example, serial killers and severe abusers) before they murder their victims. When they come back here to the US, many will be hired as law enforcement officers.

I am cautioning you now, that this following link shows several videos from all over the web, of our soldiers killing animals. It is not pretty. I am going to call Congressmen, Senators, leave a message on the White House line, and try to call the Pentagon. I have contacted humane organizations. I am absolutely sick about this, and the more I see, the sicker I become.

The toll-free numbers to Congress - FREE CALLS - are 10877-851-6437 and 1-866-340-9281.

Do NOT let children see this.

This is absolutely unacceptable. It disgraces all of the good men and women in our military, and especially, the Marine Corps. I am ashamed.

1 comment:

  1. I saw one, and it made me sick too. However, I'm not surprised because it's apparently very easy for them to kill and torture humans too, so it was probably just fun for him and his comrades :-(
