Saturday, March 1, 2008

March 1, 2008 - Paddling, meatball party, the flood and beavers...

Today is the first of the month. Time to make the meatballs for the party. We have one every month on the first. It's heartworm prevention day for the dogs.

I'll also be adding some photos of the flood and some from yesterday's paddle. I couldn't get all the way up Econfina to the lake, because two fisherman came back down as I was paddling up to tell me there was a "big log" they couldn't get over. I said, "No problem for me," since I really can get over a log, but it was a little chilly. Then I saw it. There is a pine tree that's been submerged or floating for a while - no branches, and it is securely wedged right across the creek. I have a feeling that maybe the flood or current didn't put it there. I think it's the work of beavers. I saw their chews just before the flood, and I wanted to check them out yesterday. They just want the lake to get bigger! I'm sure big, brawny guys in their boats will get out and move it. Had it traveled down the creek with the current, it would have moved parallel to the movement. Our county hates beavers, and will not use humane excluders when they try to dam.


  1. Your writing is so rich and colorful. I enjoyed reading about the log and the possible beaver activity. This takes me back to the bayous of Louisiana, where I'm from.

  2. Interesting post about the tree and the beaver.
