Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm asking you for 47 minutes of your time

to view this astoundingly articulate video from Naomi Wolf, who wrote a book called "The End of America - Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot".


Her mentor was a holocaust victim. If you are a writer or any creative person, an educator, a parent, an activist of any kind, a patriot (it is NOT a four letter word) please watch this very important video. I watched it and promptly ordered the book.

It really doesn't matter if you buy the book. What is important that you watch, listen and share this most important video. If you are concerned about what is happening in America today - the economy, the buzzwords, the use of extreme force on citizens who do not submit to requests for silence or submission, the surveillance we are under, what's NOT being taught in our schools on the way government works (or is supposed to work), then it behooves you to watch this video.

I just checked Google, and there are pages of Naomi, but I came across this interview in a liberal
site, and it's a good one. You might like it. http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/interviews/077

Don't let labels frighten you away from this: liberal, feminist, patriot. When you read or view
this, it will strike a chord within you. Sometimes, you just have to open your mind.

1 comment:

  1. I'm watching/listening to this now, and I think I've heard "the 10 steps" that've been taken by politicians to bring down the U.S. before. Scary shit! Thanks for the link :-)
