Sunday, February 17, 2008

A couple of neat writing links,

and an introduction to some interesting writers.

First, here's the link I just found. Freelance writing for many of us is a hit or miss effort in a terribly competitive field. Every link helps.

The poetry site I love the best is Coffee Press Journal. You can browse the current issue at -

Dan Case's "Writing for Dollars" site with good links for freelance work -

Angela Hoy's website offers a newsletter, a POD service called Booklocker, her blog, publications, etc. Good site - I've found it useful many times.

Invaluable to any writer of any genre is the site, Preditors and Editors. Before you submit, check out the publication, publisher or editor through this site. This is a must-use site for any writer.

New Pages has a nice selection of markets - literary magazines, reviews, and other news for writers and poets. There's a nice clickable link on the magazine icons that brings you information like submission guidelines - always dear to the writer's heart!

The Write List is full of information and writing jobs. You need to subscribe to it for rounding out your freelance work.

Writers Chatroom is fun. I've participated a few times, mainly on the topic of POD. You'll like it , too.

I'll be listing more, so check back.

Recently I've had the pleasure of "meeting" several authors whose work I really enjoyed through Amazon Shorts. I've reviewed one piece of their work each. You can find them at and they have kindly reciprocated with reviews for one of my shorts, "Paradise".

If you need a review for your work, please contact me by leaving a comment.
You can view all of mine on

Allyn Evans -

Carolyn Howard-Johnson -

Kathe Gogolewski -

Judith W. Colombo -

Chris Meeks -

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