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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

From WND - Imaging guru says Obama's birth certificate is a fraud


Ted said...

This is NOT rocket science. Since the Constitution’s Article II requires our President to be a “natural born citizen” meaning both parents were US “citizens” when the child was born (albeit not necessarily “natural born citizens”), there’s NO WAY Obama can be President — regardless of being born in Kenya OR Hawaii. Obama’s dad was NOT an American citizen. He was a citizen of the UK (ruling Kenya at the time). Case closed.

May said...

Ted - Thanks very much for your interest in this blog. I am as frustrated as you. But so are my neighbors, friends and relatives - spread out all over the US.

I heard on the Burnie Thompson show (local talk radio) a woman actually SAY, she didn't think she should be discussing politics with Burnie on the air.

Does no one remember what this country is about?

Please write something I can post here and make sure people can read it. Do you have a blog or a website? I will put the link up.