Thursday, July 24, 2008

Articles of Impeachment - a MUST READ

Don't be bored with this. Rep. Dennis Kucinich took five hours to read this before Congress.

A local attorney, Michel Stone of Panama City, FL wrote an excellent letter to the editor of the Panama City News Herald which appeared this morning with the following link.

It matters not if you are a political animal. What matters is that you understand what this President is doing to our country. He is methodically dismantling our country and committing terrible crimes against our people and our nation with pen strokes; totally disregarding the principles and foundation upon which this nation was formed.

If you are an educator - and that even means a mother and father - read this and weep. Then discuss it with your children.

Here's the link.

This list is far more important than a stained blue dress and sexual exploits of a President.

This is a pointed assault on the American people, freedom and liberty.

Remember, I am neither Democrat or Republican. I am, however, a proud American citizen. I don't want to live to see the complete demise of liberty and freedom, or see my children and grandchildren in chains or dead.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just praying he gets A LOT of co-sponsors and impeachment of Bush AND Cheney happens, but I'm not confident about it coming true, simply because there's a spineless, anti-american house and senate in office right now.
